These messages were spoken in 1970 and are combined into a three-volume hardbound set. Many of these messages include existing publications as well as previously unpublished material.Below is a list of many of the different section titles.The * refer to previously unpublished titles.Volume OneFulfillment of God’s Purpose by the Growth of Christ in Us, TheFellowship on MigrationBearing Fruit for the Manifestation of the Triune God and Standing Against the Opposition of the Religious World *Abiding in the Anointing *Fulfilling God’s Purpose by Growing in Life and Functioning in Life to Build up the Church *Enjoyment of Christ in Our Spirit for the Building up of the Church as Revealed in the Gospel of Matthew, The *New Testament Service, TheWay to Grow in Life, The *Crucial Points Concerning Christ, the Church, and the Two Spirits in John’s Gospel and Revelation *Basic Lessons Concerning the New Testament Service *Spirit and the Church, The *Volume TwoChrist versus ReligionExperiencing the Divine Spirit in our Human Spirit for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ *Lord’s Recovery of the Sevenfold Spirit and the Unique Ground of Oneness for the Local Churches, The *Drinking the All-Inclusive Spirit for the Practice of the Church Life and the Central Work of God *Spirit and the Lord’s Recovery, The *Two Greatest Prayers of the Apostle Paul, TheLord’s Recovery of the Church and the Strengthening and Release of the Inner Man, The *Worshipping God with the Worship that He Seeks *Taking Christ as Our Person for the Church and Woshipping the Father in Spirit and Truthfulness *Human Spirit and the Church, The *Volume ThreeChurch Life in Spirit and Truthfulness, The *Proper Attitude When Facing Turmoils, The *Concerning the Person of Christ *Concerning the Triune God–the Father, The Son, and the Spirit *Being Delivered from Religious Rituals and Walking according to the SpiritMinistry of the New Covenant and the Spirit, The *Taking Christ as Our Person for the Church Life *Explanation of a Few Truths, An *